Monday, December 10, 2007

What's In Your Bag?

Blarrdy hell.. its been a while since Ive last blogged. My last post was in August??? thats so far back? I thought I had posted a few posts since then, but Sarah reminded me that i didnt, hence I decided in my sleepless stupor in Perlis that I should post something.

Ive actually thought of this topic a few flights back. I think I was flying to Kuantan, half asleep, half worrying about work deadlines ( as i am now) and thought of this topic. What's in your bag?

So boys and girls, here is what I have in my bag. The bag in question is my trusty backpack, which has travelled with me around everywhere I go.

1. Laptop

Absolutely neccesary in my line of work. You'll never know where you would be going next. Also important is a wireless mouse and of course, your adaptor - because batteries will be flat when you need them the most.

2. iPod or any MP3 player

Neccesary, but not vital. Keeps you entertained on those early morning flights and late night report writing/presentation production, deadline busting report.

3. Moisturiser

Yes, yes, I know you guys think its sissy-lah and lots of other things, but I dont want to look 50 when im 30. Kiehl's has got SPF15, that's enough, after all, I dont get to travel to deserts or exotic locations.

4. Phone cable

Not a charger, but the cable that allows me to charge my phone by using my laptop's USB port. Again, its important because that damn call will come when your battery is flashing.

5. Perfume

Because its better to smell of Polo Black than kepam

6. USB Thumbdrives

No, its not a typo. I wrote here thumbdrives because I have had incidents when one thumbdrive just gave up on me on a critical time. Not so fun. Always carry a backup

7. Business Cards

These things always go missing! Vital to remind people or as a form of identification.

8. Passport

Its been there since my last trip to Singapore


1. DVD's

For those long stretches away from home. No, not THAT kind of DVD's.

2. Noise Cancelling Earphones

Optional because of the damn early flights I take i dont need them. I'll fall asleep anywhere. Useful for longer journeys.

3. Handphone charger

Because u cant rely on the USB to charge the phone reliably.

Hope this has entertained you. Im off to bed. Ta-ra!

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