Its been a while since my last post (funny how i always start my post with that line). For those not in the know, I've been working as an intern at Zaid Ibrahim & Co. Yes, to most of you, being an intern is more like photocopying, arranging stacks of files, or even just sitting around doing nothing. To be honest with you, that was what i thought it would be at first. Of course I did the ocassional photocopying, the occasional running around, but most of the time i was actually doing
some kind of work. It may be on an ongoing case, an opinion, or just research for future use. It was quite an experience and I think I enjoyed myself there. So much so that i took an extra two weeks unpaid internship. Not that it mattered, as the amount they paid me for the internship duration of one month finished within 4 hours of me removing it from the envelope ( i blame the petrol prices)
Ive always been unsure on what i wanted to do. Hell, I did accountancy professionals after my degree for gods sakes. but i guess it takes some kind of jolt to your system to realise what you're good at or what you are not. To me, doing the CIMA papers was a good insight into business and how things operate from a non-legal point of view. Unfortunately I dont think I will be doing it next semester, as I (again) change direction and intend to pursue my CLP (Certificate for Legal Practice) in KL.
Its been a rough year, a LOT of things have happened, some I have mentioned in this blog, some I wont (you all know how private ive become since my solitary confinement in London), and I think its good to be home. Not for just the obvious reason that London sucks my wallet dry, but I think I found something that I think I may be good at. I repeat
may be good at.I know this waffling about makes me look lost. To be honest, sometimes i think im like an american guided missile, - always having the clear view but sometimes missing its target and failing spectacularly. But somehow doing the stuff that the lawyers have handed down to me, it seems natural. Ask me about a Balance Sheet and I'll be at pains to tell you whats in it, but ask me something related to law and I'll be able to come up with an answer (sometimes not straight away, but eventually!)
So yes, it seems that all good things come to an end. I started my internship on the 3rd of July and finished it on the 12th of August. Not bad eh? I think the chambering students in Zaid Ibrahim & Co were very helpful and friendly, and tolerated the other attachees playfulness. Without a doubt I believe that this Monday, when I'm gone the productivity level of the Chambering students will increase by at least 15%.
I've learnt how to do Opinion Writing (very basic), Due Dilligence, did some research into foreign companies intending to invest in Malaysia, SC and FIC guidelines, intellectual property, EPC contracts, did some research on fire extinguishers (yes, a story for a later date...) invented a phoney government agency called the Lembaga Api Negara, participated in random chats, created a future hit TV series/reality show (still in planning stages with Kevin and Leon), wrote a speech for a minister, got interviewed for Bernama (but edited out! idiots!). All in all i think i had a lot of fun, and i learnt at the same time. But of course all this had a caveat, as an attachment student I did not have the same responsibility as the other lawyers, who has the threat of being verbally abused by their superior or the threat of a lawsuit by their clients breathing down their necks. I know the real legal world is much more difficult then what I've been doing, but hey, so is every other job.
The legal profession is called the honourable profession. Forget the crooks and the scheming lawyers, real proper lawyers uphold the right from the wrong, in a world where the two cross into each others lines. There are two sides to every story, and people should always remember that before jumping into conclusions. There are reasons as to why a party acts in a certain way, and certain times, unbelievable as it seems, something as an innocent mistake could lead to a criminal offence.
sometimes in life you need something to make you realise what do you want in life. the past events since i got back from summer (those not in the know, ask, those who dont know and dont ask, dont need to know) made me realise that family is important and that it is time that I started to place priority on those who matter the most to me. Life is fragile and as the Honourable Datuk Shankar told us earlier this morning in his talk, "Never take anything for granted". 24 hours can make a huge difference. Jack Bauer would probably agree to that.
so today, after six weeks, i handed in my pass tag and zico lanyard, took the lift to the car park and drove away from Pusat Bandar Damansara for the last time. i drove away from the law firm, but inched closer towards practicing it.
Monday - find out law college for CLP!!!
ok peeps, hope u enjoyed my blog. take care and talk to u soon.